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How To Make Your Queries Perform Like They Used To


Photo by Chad Kirchoff on Unsplash

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In the ideal world, you fully test how your SQL Server will handle upgrading to the latest version.  You're able to catch and mitigate any performance surprises early on.

In the real world, you might not be able to perform a good test before upgrading.  You only learn about poor performance once you upgrade in production.

Does this scenario sound familiar?  It's what I've been thinking about recently as I have to deal with query performance issues after upgrading to SQL Server 2016.

Coming from SQL Server 2012, I know the new cardnality estimator added in 2014 is a major source of the problems I'm experiencing.  While the new cardinality estimator improves performance of some queries, it has also made made some of my queries take hours to run instead of seconds.

Long-term, the solution is to revisit these queries, their stats, and the execution plans being generated for them to see what can be rewritten for better performance.

But ain't nobody got time for that (at least when facing performance crippling production issues).

Short-term, put a band-aid on to stop the bleeding.

I could change the compatibility mode of the database to revert back to SQL Server 2012 (before the new cardinality estimator was introduced), but then I miss out on being able to use all of the new SQL Server 2016 improvements just because a few queries are misbehaving.

I could enable trace flag 9481 to have my queries use the old cardinality estimator, however as a developer I probably don't have access to play with trace flags (and for good reason).

Starting with 2016 SP1, what I can do is use the legacy cardinality estimator query hint:


This hint is great because it doesn't require developers to have any special permissions.  It also allows SQL to use the old cardinality estimator for poor performing queries only - the rest of the server gets to benefit from the improvements brought on by the new cardinality estimator.

With time, I can revisit the queries that are using this hint to try to improve their performance, but in the mean time it's a great way to fix regressed query performance due to the new cardinality estimator.

ʼ;ŚℇℒℇℂƮ *: How Unicode Homoglyphs Can Thwart Your Database Security


For the past couple weeks I've been writing about how to protect your database from a SQL injection attack.  Today, we will keep the trend going by looking at how implicit unicode conversions can leave your data vulnerable.

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What's a homoglyph?

A homoglyph is a character that looks like another character. l  (lowercase "L") and 1  (the number) are considered homoglyphs.  So are O  (the letter) and 0  (the number).

Homoglpyhs can exist within a character set (like the Latin character set examples above) or they can exist between character sets.  For example, you may have the unicode apostrophe ʼ, which is a homoglyph to the Latin single quote character ' .

How does SQL Server handle unicode homoglyphs?

Funny you should ask.  If you pass in a unicode character to a non-unicode datatype (like char), SQL implicitly converts the unicode character to its closest resembling non-unicode homoglyph.

To see this in action, we can use the unicode apostrophe from the example above:

    CAST(N'ʼ' AS nchar) AS UnicodeChar, 
    CAST(N'ʼ' AS char) AS NonUnicodeChar

You can see in the second column SQL automatically converted the apostrophe to a single quote:


Although this implicit character conversion can be convenient for when you want to display unicode characters in a non-unicode character set, it can spell disaster for your SQL Server security.

Unicode Homoglyph SQL Injection

If you are already using sp_executesql or QUOTENAME() when building your dynamic SQL queries then you are safe from this type of SQL injection.

I know you aren't the kind of person who would ever write your own security functions when solid, safe, and tested functions like the above are available.  However, just this one time let's pretend you think you can outsmart a hacker by writing your own quote delimiting code.

Using the same dataset as last week, let's create a new stored procedure that is going to return some data from a user's profile:

    @Username nvarchar(100)
    -- Add quotes to escape injection...or not?
    SET @Username = REPLACE(@Username, '''','''''')

    DECLARE @Query varchar(max)

    SET @Query = 'SELECT 
                    UserName = ''' + @Username + '''


Instead of using sp_executesql or QUOTENAME(), let's try to write our own clever REPLACE() function that will replace single quotes with two sets of single quotes.  This should, in theory, prevent SQL injection.

If we test out a "normal" attempt at SQL injection, you'll notice this logic works great.  Give yourself a pat on the back!


However, if we pass in a unicode apostrophe...:


The reason this happens is because we declared our @Query parameter as varchar instead of the unicode nvarchar.  When we build our dynamic SQL statement, SQL implicitly converts the nvarchar @Username parameter to the non-unicode varchar:


So if I replace apostrophes will that make me safe?


I know it seems like black listing/replacing the unicode apostrophe would solve all of our problems.

And it this scenario only.  There are more unicode homoglpyhs than just an apostrophe though.

Out of curiosity I wrote a script to search through the unicode character space to see what other homoglyphs exist:

DECLARE @FirstNumber INT=0;
-- number of possible characters in the unicode space
DECLARE @LastNumber INT=1114112;

WITH Numbers AS (
    SELECT @FirstNumber AS n
    SELECT n+1 FROM Numbers WHERE n+1<=@LastNumber
), UnicodeConversion AS (
       n AS CharacterNumber,
       CASE CAST(NCHAR(n) as CHAR(1))
              WHEN '''' THEN NCHAR(n)
              WHEN ';' THEN NCHAR(n)
       END AS UnicodeCharacter,
       CAST(NCHAR(n) as CHAR(1)) AS ASCIICharacter
FROM Numbers
       UnicodeCharacter IS NOT NULL


Although the characters in the above screen shot might look similar, they are actually homoglyphs.

I decided to only search for single quotes and semi-colons since they are frequently used in SQL injection attacks, but this by no means is an extensive list of all of the characters you would want to blacklist.

Not only would it be very difficult to confidently blacklist every dangerous homoglyph, but new characters are being added to unicode all of the time so maintaining a black list would be a maintenance nightmare.  Especially if the person maintaining this code in the future isn't familiar with these types of injection attacks.

And don't be cheeky thinking you can filter out dangerous SQL keywords either - even if you REPLACE(@Username,'SELECT',''), just remember someone can come by and pass in a value like 'ŚεℒℇℂƮ'.


Don't write your own security functions - they will fail.

Your best protection against SQL injection is to not use dynamic SQL.  If you have to use dynamic SQL, then use either sp_executesql and QUOTENAME().

How to Safely Parameterize Table Names

Protecting against SQL Injection Part 2


Watch this week's video on YouTube

Last week we talked about building dynamic SQL queries and how doing so might leave you open to SQL injection attacks.

In that post we examined how using sp_executesql to parameterize our dynamic SQL statements protects us.

Today, we are going to look at where sp_executesql falls short.

The problem with sp_executesql

Let's modify last week's final query to make our table name dynamic:

CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.sp_GetFullNameFromTable
        @ParmTableName varchar(100),
        @ParmUserName varchar(100)
    DECLARE @FullQuery nvarchar(1000)
    SET @FullQuery = N'SELECT FullName FROM dbo.@TableName WHERE UserName = @UserName'

    DECLARE @ParmDefinition nvarchar(100) = N'@TableName varchar(100), @UserName varchar(100)';  

    EXEC sp_executesql @FullQuery, @ParmDefinition,  
                      @UserName = @ParmUserName,
                      @TableName = @ParmTableName;  


(there's an entirely different discussion to be had about whether you should allow table and column names to be dynamic, but we'll assume we need a dynamic table name for the rest of this post)

If we pass in a table name parameter value and execute this query, we'll be greeted with this error:


Yeah, sp_executesql doesn't like parameterizing a table names.

So how do we make table name dynamic and safe?

Unfortunately we have to fall back on SQL's EXEC command.

However, like we discussed last week, we need to be vigilant about what kind of user input we allow to be built as part of our query.

Assuming our app layer is already sanitizing as much of the user input as possible, here are some precautions we can take on the SQL side of the equation:


If we wrap our user input parameters with QUOTENAME(), we'll achieve safety:

CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.sp_GetFullNameFromTableSanitized
    @ParmTableName varchar(100),
    @ParmUserName varchar(100)
    DECLARE @FullQuery nvarchar(1000)
    SET @FullQuery = N'SELECT FullName FROM dbo.' + QUOTENAME(@ParmTableName) + ' WHERE UserName = @UserName'

    DECLARE @ParmDefinition nvarchar(100) = N'@UserName varchar(100)';  

    EXEC sp_executesql @FullQuery, @ParmDefinition,  
                      @UserName = @ParmUserName


This results in:


Although QUOTENAME() works well by adding brackets (by default) to sanitize quotes, it's downside is that it will only output strings up to 128 characters long. If you are expecting parameters with values longer than that, you will have to use something like REPLACE(@TableName,'''','''''') instead to delimit single quotes (however, rolling your own logic like this is really hard to do securely and not recommended).


The account running any dynamic SQL queries should be locked down so that it won't be able to perform any operations you don't want it to do.

Taking this idea one step further, you can create another account with very limited permissions, and add EXECUTE AS to your stored procedure to run that code under the very limited account.

CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.sp_GetFullNameFromTableSanitized
    @ParmTableName varchar(100),
    @ParmUserName varchar(100)
    WITH EXECUTE AS 'LimitedUser'

This won't prevent injection, but it will limit what the malicious user is able to do.

Warning! Are your queries vulnerable to SQL injection?

"Medicine 1" by marosh is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.

Watch this week's video on YouTube

Looking for a script to find possible SQL injection vulnerabilities on your server? Scroll to the bottom of this post.

OWASP names SQL injection as the #1 vulnerability for web applications. The infamy of this attack has even made its way into the popular XKCD comic.

What is SQL injection?

A SQL query is vulnerable to SQL injection if a user can run a query other than the one that was originally intended.

Sometimes SQL injection is easier to understand with an example. Let's use this table of registered users:


And then let's create a simple stored procedure that will query that table:

    @ParmUserName varchar(100)
    DECLARE @FullQuery varchar(1000)
    SET @FullQuery = 'SELECT FullName FROM dbo.RegisteredUser WHERE UserName = ''' + @ParmUserName + ''''


The important thing to note in the query above is that we are generating a dynamic SQL statement; that is, we are building the SQL query string, and then we are executing it.

Imagine this stored procedure is running in order to display a "Welcome !" message in our app — a website visitor types in their@ParmUserName and we execute the stored procedure to return their full name.

Here's our code that calls the stored procedure:

EXEC dbo.sp_GetFullName 'TFly37'

And result:


Cool. No problems so far.

However, what if our user decides to pass in the following value as their username?

EXEC dbo.sp_GetFullName 'TFly37'' or 1=1 --'

This funny looking parameter value returns this:



This user just hacked our website and viewed all of the users in our table.

In this specific case only our user's full names were breached, but in other instances it's just as easy for more sensitive data like passwords, social security numbers, and bank account numbers to be revealed as well (If you are looking for some fun, search for "SQL injection" on the Have I been pwned? list of Pwned websites to see all of the companies that aren't doing a good job protecting your privacy).

So how did that example of SQL injection actually work?

Since our stored procedure executes a dynamically generated query, let's look at what that generated query actually looks like for both of the parameters that were passed in:


Even though TFly37'' or 1=1-- doesn't look like a intelligible input parameter, when its concatenated into our query it makes sense.

Our malicious user is basically writing their own SQL query, one that will return all of the names of our users instead of just their own. In many instances, the crafty hacker can go a step further and write additional injection code to reveal the contents of the entire user table (or other tables in the database)!

How do I prevent SQL injection?

Simple: don't concatenate unsanitized user input data to your SQL queries.

In this example, this is easy to do: simply rewrite the stored procedure to not use dynamic SQL:

CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.sp_GetFullNameSafe
    @ParmUserName varchar(100)
    SELECT FullName FROM dbo.RegisteredUser WHERE UserName =  @ParmUserName

When you don't have dynamic SQL, you can't be affected by SQL injection attempts.

Avoiding dynamic SQL isn't always possible though, so what can we do in those cases? Use sp_executesql:

CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.sp_GetFullNameSafe2
    @ParmUserName varchar(100)
    DECLARE @FullQuery nvarchar(1000)
    SET @FullQuery = N'SELECT FullName FROM dbo.RegisteredUser WHERE UserName = @UserName'

    DECLARE @ParmDefinition nvarchar(100) = N'@UserName varchar(100)';  

    EXEC sp_executesql @FullQuery, @ParmDefinition,  
                      @UserName = @ParmUserName;  

sp_executesql allows for parameterization of your dynamic SQL, removing the possibility of unwanted code injection.

Are any of my current SQL queries vulnerable to SQL injection attacks?

So SQL injection is really bad and you don't want to become like Sony or Yahoo. How do we check to see if we have any vulnerable queries on our server?

I wrote the query below to help you start searching. It is not perfect, but it does act as a good starting point for auditing potentially injectable queries:

-- This file tries to find stored procedures and functions that *may* be vulnerable to SQL injection attacks.

-- It works by searching your database for occurences of "+" signs followed by "@", indicating that SQL parameters
-- might be getting concatenated to a dynamic SQL string.  It also checks for the existence of 'EXEC' to see if any
-- strings are being executed.

-- Not every result returned will be susceptible to SQL injection, however they should all be examined to see if they are vulnerable.

-- Originally fromn:


        LIKE '%+@%'
    ( -- Only if executes a dynamic string
        OR ROUTINE_DEFINITION LIKE '%sp_executesql%'

I've found this script useful for myself, however if you find any issues with it please let me know, thanks!

How to Search and Destroy Non-SARGable Queries on Your Server

Unexpected SQL Server Performance Killers #3

Photo by Cibi Chakravarthi on Unsplash

Watch this week's video on YouTube

In this series I explore scenarios that hurt SQL Server performance and show you how to avoid them. Pulled from my collection of "things I didn't know I was doing wrong for years."

Looking for a script to find non-SARGable queries on your server? Scroll to the bottom of this post.

What is a "SARGable" query?

Just because you add an index to your table doesn't mean you get immediate performance improvement. A query running against that table needs to be written in such a way that it actually takes advantage of that index.

SARGable, or "Search Argument-able", queries therefore are queries that are capable of utilizing indexes.

Examples please!

Okay let's see some examples of SARGable and non-SARGable queries using my favorite beverage data.

There are non-clustered indexes on the Name and CreateDate columns

First, let's look at a non-SARGable query:

FROM dbo.CoffeeInventory
WHERE CONVERT(CHAR(10),CreateDate,121)  = '2017-08-19'

Although this query correctly filters our rows to a specific date, it does so with this lousy execution plan:


SQL Server has to perform an Index Scan, or in other words has to check every single page of this index, to find our '2017–08–19' date value.

SQL Server does this because it can't immediately look at the value in the index and see if it is equal to the '2017–08–19' date we supplied — we told it first to convert every value in our column/index to a CHAR(10) date string so that it can be compared as a string.

Since the SQL Server has to first convert every single date in our column/index to a CHAR(10) string, that means it ends up having to read every single page of our index to do so.

The better option here would be to leave the column/index value as a datetime2 datatype and instead convert the right hand of the operand to a datetime2:

FROM dbo.CoffeeInventory
WHERE CreateDate = CAST('2017-08-19' AS datetime2)

Alternatively, SQL Server is smart enough to do this conversion implicitly for us if we just leave our '2017–08–19' date as a string:

FROM dbo.CoffeeInventory
WHERE CreateDate = '2017-08-19'


In this scenario SQL gives us an Index Seek because it doesn't have to modify any values in the column/index in order to be able to compare it to the datetime2 value that '2017–08–19' got converted to.

This means SQL only has to read what it needs to output to the results. Much more efficient.

One more example

Based on the last example we can assume that any function, explicit or implicit, that is running on the column side of an operator will result in a query that cannot make use of index seeks, making it non-SARGable.

That means that instead of doing something non-SARGable like this:

SELECT Name, CreateDate
FROM dbo.CoffeeInventory
WHERE DAY(CreateDate)  = 19

We want to make it SARGable by doing this instead:

SELECT Name, CreateDate
FROM dbo.CoffeeInventory
    CreateDate  >= '2017-08-19 00:00:00' 
    AND CreateDate < '2017-08-20 00:00:00'

In short, keep in mind whether SQL Server will have to modify the data in a column/index in order to compare it — if it does, your query probably isn't SARGable and you are going to end up scanning instead of seeking.

OK, non-SARGable queries are bad…how do I check if I have any on my server?

The script below looks at cached query plans and searches them for any table or index scans. Next, it looks for scalar operators, and if it finds any it means we have ourselves a non-SARGable query. The fix is then to rewrite the query to be SARGable or add a missing index.

-- From
-- This script will check the execution plan cache for any queries that are non-SARGable.
-- It does this by finding table and index scans that contain a scalar operators




   stmt.value('(@StatementText)[1]', 'varchar(max)') AS [Query],
   query_plan AS [QueryPlan],
   sc.value('(.//Identifier/ColumnReference/@Schema)[1]', 'varchar(128)') AS [Schema], 
   sc.value('(.//Identifier/ColumnReference/@Table)[1]', 'varchar(128)') AS [Table], 
   sc.value('(.//Identifier/ColumnReference/@Column)[1]', 'varchar(128)') AS [Column] ,
   CASE WHEN s.exist('.//TableScan') = 1 THEN 'TableScan' ELSE 'IndexScan' END AS [ScanType],
   sc.value('(@ScalarString)[1]', 'varchar(128)') AS [ScalarString]
    sys.dm_exec_cached_plans AS cp
    CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_query_plan(cp.plan_handle) AS qp
    CROSS APPLY query_plan.nodes('/ShowPlanXML/BatchSequence/Batch/Statements/StmtSimple') AS batch(stmt)
    CROSS APPLY stmt.nodes('.//RelOp[TableScan or IndexScan]') AS scan(s)
    CROSS APPLY s.nodes('.//ScalarOperator') AS scalar(sc)
    s.exist('.//ScalarOperator[@ScalarString]!=""') = 1 
    AND sc.exist('.//Identifier/ColumnReference[@Database=sql:variable("@dbname")][@Schema!="[sys]"]') = 1
    AND sc.value('(@ScalarString)[1]', 'varchar(128)') IS NOT NULL

I've found this script useful for myself, but if you find any issues with it please let me know, thanks!