Tracking Who Last Changed a Row


This post is a response to this month's T-SQL Tuesday #118 prompt by Kevin Chant.  T-SQL Tuesday is a way for the SQL Server community to share ideas about different database and professional topics every month.

This month's topic asks about our fantasy SQL Server feature.

Watch this week's video on YouTube

Data About The Data

Have you ever wondered who was the last person (or process) to modify a piece of data in your database?

SQL Server offers plenty of system views and functions that provide insight into how your server is running and how your queries are performing. However, it doesn't offer much information about who last modified your data.

That's why my ideal SQL Server feature would be to have a built-in way to audit who last modified a row of data and at what time.

Current Workarounds

Today, this sort of logging can be implemented in the application layer but that requires extra coding and time.

In SQL Server, temporal tables offer part of this functionality with their GENERATED ALWAYS FOR ROW START/END properties, but these only log a row created/row last modified date. There is no built-in way to log which user modified the data. The remaining temporal table functionality also adds unnecessary overhead if you don't actually need to keep track of all of the data history.

Default constraints exist for helping insert default values for when a row was created and who the user was that created the row, but restricting unauthorized access to those fields as well as handling instances where data is updated is not as straight forward.

The closest thing to get this type of automatic logging in SQL Server today is to implement the functionality with triggers. Reinterpreting some of my code I wrote when discussing how to fake temporal tables with triggers, we come up with this:

DROP TABLE dbo.TestData;
CREATE TABLE dbo.TestData (
    ColA int,
    ColB int,
    ColC int,
    LastModifiedDate datetime2,
    LastModifiedUser nvarchar(30)

CREATE TRIGGER AutoLogger ON dbo.TestData

    @CurrentDateTime datetime2 = SYSUTCDATETIME(),
    @CurrentUser nchar(30) = SYSTEM_USER

       LastModifiedDate = @CurrentDateTime,
       LastModifiedUser = @CurrentUser
    dbo.TestData t
    INNER JOIN inserted i
        ON t.Id = i.Id;

Now, any time a record is created or modified, we log the datetime and the user that performed the modification:

-- Regular insert
INSERT INTO dbo.TestData (ColA,ColB,ColC) VALUES (1,2,3);
-- Regular update
UPDATE dbo.Test SET ColA = 4 WHERE Id = 1;
SELECT * FROM dbo.TestData;

-- Questionable motive insert
INSERT INTO dbo.TestData (ColA,ColB,ColC,LastModifiedDate,LastModifiedUser) VALUES (1,2,3,'9999-12-31','NotMe');
-- Questionable motive update
UPDATE dbo.TestData SET LastModifiedDate = '9999-12-31', LastModifiedUser='NotMe' WHERE Id = 1;
SELECT * FROM dbo.TestData;


While this solution provides some of the functionality I want, it has many downsides. First, it utilizes a trigger which often gets overlooked (at least initially) when debugging issues, causing confusion and maintenance headaches.

Secondly, there is some overhead in having a trigger run after each and every insert and update. Transaction throughput gets limited since every INSERT/UPDATE on this table will trigger a follow up UPDATE.

Additionally, this solution is not automatic: it must be created individually on every table you want logging on.

Finally, this table now contains extra columns on the clustered index, columns that I don't necessarily always want to be impacting my performance.

The Ideal Feature

I wish there was a database level option that allowed logging of who modified what row of data when. When turned on, it would automatically handle this logging logic (and maybe some more, like specifically what column in addition to what row was modified) without the need to set it up on individual tables or by using triggers.

Additionally, I would love if this data were not persisted on the table's clustered index itself. If there were a way to store the data in a nonclustered index for that table only (kind of like a non-persisted computed column value gets stored) that would be ideal.

Finally, I would love if this meta data were populated asynchronously to not impact the performance of inserts/updates/deletes on the main table of data.

Why make?

MJ-t-sql-TuesdayThis post is a response to this month's T-SQL Tuesday #111 prompt by Andy Leonard.  T-SQL Tuesday is a way for the SQL Server community to share ideas about different database and professional topics every month.

In this month's topic Andy asks why do we do what we do?

Two years ago, I was

I'd come home from work, spend my free time watching Netflix and surfing the internet, occasionally tinker with some random side projects, and eventually going to bed. Rinse and repeat, day in and day out.

I felt unfulfilled.  While I value free time and relaxation, I had an overabundance of it.  I felt like I should be doing something more productive with at least some of that time.  I wanted to work on my "professional development" somehow, but it was extremely difficult to get motivated to work on boring career stuff.

I decided what I needed was a long-term project that would allow me to have fun and be creative, while also having some positive personal and professional development benefits; what I was looking for was the ULTIMATE side project.

After spending some time thinking about different ideas, I decided to make videos about SQL Server.  Not only would I enjoy learning more about how SQL Server works (fun), but I could get practice writing and speaking (career) as well as get to incorporate my other hobby of film making into the mix (creative).

At first it felt forced; while I enjoyed learning new things about SQL Server, it was not easy thinking of topics.  Writing and editing was strenuous, but coming up with jokes and visual ways to convey ideas was fun.  Filming (and lighting and audio recording) was hard, but editing has always been pure pleasure for me.

So while at times coming up with a weekly bit of content was challenging, I kept at it because not only was it good for me, but I incorporated enough fun and creative elements into the process to look forward to it and keep going with it.

Fast forwarding to today, the process still isn't perfect but things have gotten better: I have enough ideas to probably last me a few years (and generating more all the time), writing is still tough but I've seen noticeable progress so I'm motivated to keep at it, I still don't like being in front of a camera but I have a dramatically easier time speaking about technical topics so the practice has paid off there, and while every episode isn't as creative as I'd like, I have a lot of fun being weird and coming up with new ideas for weekly videos.

Not only that, I now have new motivating factors that I didn't have from day one.  I've made friends with a lot of people in the SQL Server community, and they are fantastic and supportive.  Many of them even want to collaborate and make fun videos which is something I always look forward to.  The audience that consumes the content is wonderful as well; every time I receive a thank you email or comment, I am filled with joy.  And obviously all of the skills I have learned - technical, presenting, and networking - have helped immensely in my day-to-day.

In conclusion, the reasons that caused me to start creating SQL Server videos still apply, however over time that list of motivators has grown and helps me continue to remain excited about what I do, even when the challenges feel greater some weeks than others.

T-SQL Documentation Generator

MJ-t-sql-TuesdayThis post is a response to this month's T-SQL Tuesday #110 prompt by Garry Bargsley.  T-SQL Tuesday is a way for the SQL Server community to share ideas about different database and professional topics every month.

This month's topic asks to share how we automate certain processes.

Watch this week's video on YouTube

I'm a fan of keeping documentation close to the code. I prefer writing my documentation directly above a procedure, function, or view definition because that's where it will be most beneficial to myself and other developers.

Not to mention that's the only place where the documentation has any chance of staying up to date when changes to the code are made.

What drives me crazy though is making a copy of that documentation somewhere else, into a different format. You know, like when someone without database access needs you to send them a description of all of the procedures for a project. Or if you are writing end-user documentation for your functions and views.

Not only is creating a copy of the documentation tedious, but there is no chance that it will stay up to date with future code changes.

So today I want to share how I automate some of my documentation generation directly from my code.

C# XML Style Documentation in T-SQL

C# uses XML to document objects directly in the code:

/// <summary>
/// Retrieves the details for a user.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="id">The internal id of the user.</param>
/// <returns>A user object.</returns>
public User GetUserDetails(int id)
    User user = ...
    return user;

I like this format: the documentation is directly next to the code and it is structured as XML, making it easy to parse for other uses (eg. use a static document generator to create end-user documentation directly from these comments).

This format is easily transferable to T-SQL:

  <summary>Retrieves the details for a user.</summary>
  <param name="@UserId">The internal id of the user.</param>
  <returns>The username, user's full name, and join date</returns>
CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.USP_SelectUserDetails
       @UserId int
    SELECT Username, FullName, JoinDate FROM dbo.[User] WHERE Id = @UserId

  <summary>Returns the value 'A'.</summary>
  <param name="@AnyNumber">Can be any number.  Will be ignored.</param>
  <param name="@AnotherNumber">A different number.  Will also be ignored.</param>
  <returns>The value 'A'.</returns>
    @AnyNumber int,
    @AnotherNumber int
RETURNS char(1)
       RETURN 'A';

Sure, this might not be as visually appealing as the traditional starred comment block, but I've wrestled with parsing enough free formatted text that I don't mind a little extra structure in my comments.

Querying the Documentation

Now that our T-SQL object documentation has some structure, it's pretty easy to query and extract those XML comments:

WITH DocumentationDefintions AS (
    SCHEMA_NAME(o.schema_id) as schema_name, as object_name,
    CAST(SUBSTRING(m.definition,CHARINDEX('<documentation>',m.definition),CHARINDEX('</documentation>',m.definition)+LEN('</documentation>')-CHARINDEX('<documentation>',m.definition)) AS XML) AS Documentation,
    p.parameter_id as parameter_order, as parameter_name, as parameter_type,
    sys.objects o
    INNER JOIN sys.sql_modules m
        ON o.object_id = m.object_id
    LEFT JOIN sys.parameters p
        ON o.object_id = p.object_id
    INNER JOIN sys.types t
        ON p.system_type_id = t.system_type_id
    o.type in ('P','FN','IF','TF')
    t.c.value('author[1]','varchar(100)') as Author,
    t.c.value('summary[1]','varchar(max)') as Summary,
    t.c.value('returns[1]','varchar(max)') as Returns,
    p.c.value('@name','varchar(100)') as DocumentedParamName,
    p.c.value('.','varchar(100)') as ParamDescription
    DocumentationDefintions d 
    OUTER APPLY d.Documentation.nodes('/documentation') as t(c) 
    OUTER APPLY d.Documentation.nodes('/documentation/param') as p(c)
    p.c.value('@name','varchar(100)') IS NULL -- objects that don't have documentation
    OR p.c.value('@name','varchar(100)') = d.parameter_name -- joining our documented parms with the actual ones

This query pulls the parameters of our procedures and functions from sys.parameters and joins them with what we documented in our XML documentation. This gives us some nicely formatted documentation as well as visibility into what objects haven't been documented yet:


Only the Beginning

At this point, our procedure and function documentation is easily accessible via query. We can use this to dump the information into an Excel file for a project manager, or schedule a job to generate some static HTML documentation directly from the source every night.

This can be extended even further depending on your needs, but at least this is an automated starting point for generating further documentation directly from the T-SQL source.